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Morning Pointe assisted living helps resident get back to an active, happy lifestyle

photo of resident Morine Baese

A Testimonial

Morine Baese, a resident at Morning Pointe of Brentwood, Tennessee, joined the Morning Pointe family after losing her husband and experiencing an extended stay in the hospital. She struggled with depression.

As part of her rehabilitation, doctors said she needed further assistance and therapy at an assisted living facility before going home. Because of her age and fall risk, her son and daughter-in-law suggested that she could use this opportunity to experience an assisted living community. They explained she might enjoy an environment where she could engage with others her age through social activities and not have the burden of cooking and taking care of a house. However, the decision was hers alone to make.

“When I arrived, I was handicapped,” Morine shared. “I could not walk, bathe myself, dress myself… basically, I couldn’t do anything by myself. I did not want to leave my home. My family wanted me to try living at Morning Pointe for a month, and I was determined I was not going to like it. Then I decided if I stayed, I was not going to be a helpless person. So, I participated in every activity they had to offer – very slowly at first, then increasing a little each day.”

photo of Morine participating in a craft
Morine participating in a craft

In addition to activities, Morine started taking part in physical therapy sessions with two therapists, Rachel and Danielle. Morning Pointe of Brentwood partners with HealthPRO Heritage to provide on-site therapy to residents. Morine did PT sessions for six weeks to increase her strength and mobility and learn ways to continue her gains once she completed her rehabilitation program.

About her overall experience regaining her active lifestyle, Morine said, “It was hard, but I was determined to beat this. I gained back the weight I lost, I did chair exercises, played all kinds of games, sang in our group sing-alongs, crafted and joined in Bible study and professional entertainment. I started walking with help, and soon I was walking by myself. Today, I am walking approximately one mile five days a week.”

Several times a week, her son David walks with her.

photo of Morine playing cornhole

But not only did community life and therapy help Morine physically. It also gave her a renewed zest emotionally.

“I have made lots of friends and discovered many of us have mutual connections,” Morine said. “Morning Pointe Brentwood has a fantastic team of professionals, and I give them credit for my return to an active life. Thank you, Morning Pointe Brentwood!”

With all the perks of the Brentwood campus, Morine added a call: “Come join us!”

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