With rising temperatures back in the forecast, Morning Pointe Senior Living is once again reminding seniors, their families, and caregivers of the dangers of extreme heat. “Older adults are especially vulnerable to developing heat-related illnesses when temperatures are high because of the aging body’s decreased capacity to adapt to changes in body temperature,” says Mandy Taylor, RN, senior vice president of clinical services at Morning Pointe Senior Living.
Older adults do not adjust as well as young people to sudden changes in temperature. They are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat. They are also more likely to take prescription medicines that affect the body’s ability to control its temperature or sweat,” adds Taylor.
Hot Weather Safety Tips: What To Do/What To Avoid:
- Stay cool, stay hydrated
- Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible. If your home doesn’t have air conditioning, contact your local health department or locate an air-conditioned shelter in your area.
- Do not rely on a fan as your main cooling source when it’s really hot outside.
- Drink more water than usual and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.
- If your doctor limits the amount of fluids you drink or has you on water pills, ask them how much you should drink during hot weather.
- Don’t use the stove or oven to cook—it will make you and your house hotter.
- Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
- Take cool showers or baths to cool down.
- Do not engage in very strenuous activities and get plenty of rest.
“We have many of our Morning Pointe Senior Living communities reschedule or move inside any of their planned outdoor activities during these extreme heat days,” says Heather Tussing, COO of Morning Pointe. “If you know of a senior friend or neighbor, be sure to check on them and have someone do the same for you.”
Founded in 1997 by Tennessee healthcare entrepreneurs Greg A. Vital and Franklin Farrow, Morning Pointe Senior Living owns and operates 36 assisted living, personal care, and Alzheimer’s memory care communities in five southeastern states and is celebrating its silver anniversary in 2022.