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Morning Pointe of Hixson named to National Monarch Registry, preparing for next butterfly release

photo of released monarch with resident Eileen Beattie

It’s monarch butterfly season, and things are really fluttering around Morning Pointe of Hixson.

The assisted living and memory care community has taken on a special project – to raise monarch butterflies and offer a safe waystation for the insects on their migration.

Samantha Parker, community relations director, inspired and oversees the project at the center, which has grown from just a fun pastime for residents and associates to being listed on the National Monarch Registry as a Monarch Waystation.

photo of Samantha Parker, Community Relations Director
Samantha Parker, Community Relations Director

“The residents have really taken this on,” said Parker. “It’s been a very successful season for us.”

Parker used to live in Coconut Creek, Florida, the Butterfly Capital of the World, and had taken it up as a family project to try to raise and shelter monarch butterflies. When she started her job at Morning Pointe of Hixson, she took a look at one of the courtyards and recognized a perfect environment for the butterflies – sheltered from wind and predators, with a water feature and room for butterfly-friendly plants.

“I brought some of my butterflies in one time, and the residents went crazy,” Parker said.

photo of caterpillars on milkweed in the courtyard
Caterpillars on a milkweed plant in the courtyard

The team at the community prepared the courtyard, planting milkweed, monarch’s only food. Parker works with the University of Kansas’s Monarch Watch to get the monarch eggs shipped to the Hixson community, and she has stations set up for the eggs to hatch, the caterpillars to grow and the chrysalises to prepare for butterfly hatching.

There is always a lot of excitement throughout the community whenever butterflies emerge. Then they are released into the courtyard.

“It’s full cycle,” Parker shared.

photo of Virginia Lee with some of her crocheted butterflies
Virginia Lee with some of her crocheted butterflies

“It’s amazing to watch how they develop from a tiny egg to a caterpillar then to see how they transform their bodies and become a chrysalis and hang for two weeks (with no food) to emerge as a beautiful butterfly,” said resident Dot Hilliard. “It is truly a miracle.”

So far, Morning Pointe of Hixson has raised and released more than 50 caterpillars from Monarch Watch. Perhaps even more impressive, the community has rescued more than 90 caterpillars found in the garden!

Several residents have even embraced the monarch project in a special way. Eileen Beattie created a beautiful butterfly artwork that the community is using, and Virginia Lee has crocheted more than 65 monarchs to give away as gifts.

The next group of butterflies should be emerging from the chrysalis stage by Friday, Sept. 23, and the community has planned a release party for that day. Please call Parker at 423-847-1370 for a time estimate.

photo of Eileen Beattie with her monarch artwork
Eileen Beattie with her monarch artwork

Morning Pointe is the region’s choice for assisted living and memory care, serving seniors across Tennessee for 25 years. In addition to the Hixson assisted living and Alzheimer’s memory care campus, Morning Pointe operates assisted living and memory care communities in Chattanooga, Collegedale, Ooltewah and Athens.

Founded in 1997 by Tennessee healthcare entrepreneurs Greg A. Vital and Franklin Farrow, Morning Pointe Senior Living owns and operates 37 assisted living, personal care and Alzheimer’s memory care communities in five southeastern states and is celebrating its silver anniversary throughout 2022.

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